Thursday, August 30, 2007


Robert Madison Home Furnishings is proud to be offering Caldrea cleaning products. Caldrea uses the finest plant derived ingredients and natural essential oils to provide a fresh, fragrant, and enjoyable cleaning experience.

We currently offer dish washing soap, counter cleaner, hand soap, hand lotion, and linen spray.

Come by to sample some of the wonderful sents that Robert Madison Home and Caldrea offer.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Grand Opening Pictures

Our Grand Opening / Open house last Friday night August 24th was a big success and lots of fun. I forgot to take pictures most of the night and these pictures were towards the end of the night. I think someone else had a camera and took more pictures. I will post them as I get them. Thanks so much to all who were able to attend and hopefully those of you who werent will be able to come by in the next few weeks to see everything new and exciting we have.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Grand Opening

Please join us as we celebrate the opeing of Robert Madison Home Furnishings. We will have a ribbon cutting at 4:00 pm, followed by a party that will last until the last person leaves. Please feel free to invite anyone you would like, and we will be serving refreshments.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

We're open... come and see us!